Like Asana, Yoga of Relationships is a sacred practice that requires a great deal of strength, flexibility, endurance, and knowledge. This three-hour master class will introduce you to all the principles and theory behind the primary astrological measurements utilized for centuries in India to create successful unions. The class is designed to uplift everyone’s relationship Karma, whether you are already in a long-term relationship, or looking for one.

Relationship problems, or lack of relationships, is the primary reason most people seek out a Vedic Astrologer. Having done thousands of compatibility readings in my 25 years as a Vedic Astrology Counselor, I have come to believe that your compatibility score is less relevant than an understanding of what each of the measurements is teaching us about the lens through which we can guide the success of our relationships.

Primary goal of the class:

·     Offer a modern and relevant interpretation of Vedic Astrology Compatibility measurements.

·     Remove some of the mystique and mystery of why the Vedic Astrologer
declines or approves of a union.

·     Empower couples with comprehensive counseling on relationship success.

Topics covered:

The individual horoscopes of the couple and each person’s capacity to flourish in relationships.

The significance of the four main Vedic Compatibility measurements:

  • Vashya (Chemistry)

  • Strii Dirgha (Polarity)

  • Manglik (Independence)

  • Mahendra (Higher Purpose)


Detailed analysis of the 36 points Ashta Kuta categories:

  • Nadi Kuta, 8 points (Health)

  • Bha Kuta, 7 points (Merger)

  • Gana Kuta, 6 points (Model)

  • Graha Maitram, Kuta 5 points (Friendship)

  • Yoni Kuta, 4 points (Instinctual/Sexual)

  • Tara Kuta, 3 points (Need)

  • Vasya Kuta, 2 points (Control)

  • Varna Kuta, 1 point (Occupation)

Importance of the timing of Marriage ceremony.

Importance of the timing revealed by the Vimshottari Dasha.

Each planet’s Love language

Please note this class covers the principles and theory, it will NOT teach you how to calculate your compatibility scores. You do not need a compatibility report to take the class, in fact, I would prefer you to take the class without your score in hand.

After taking the class if you decide you want to calculate the compatibility with your partner, reach out to me, or there are several online sites that offer free compatibility scores.