Traditionally, Ayurveda, Yoga, and Vedic Astrology, which reveals our genetic predispositions, have worked hand in hand to create the most comprehensive and holistic framework for physical, mental, and spiritual health. Over the years, even in India, they became three separate paths as the crossover between them was lost. Ayurveda became herbal medicine, Yoga spiritual practice or exercise, and Vedic Astrology mystical and mysterious fortune-telling.

This class teaches you the most authentic approach to Vedic mental and spiritual health by combining therapies from all three disciplines.

This four-hour masterclass, plus a 40 minute guided meditation on the five elements, is recommended for anyone who is in the healing arts.


Learn How to Adapt

An organism thrives in an environment that it has adapted to. Each and every one of us has a distinctive Ayurvedic mental and physical constitution and Karma that needs a specific environment for us to thrive.

Therapies for Adaptation

Together Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology offer a myriad of therapies for our unique doshic and karmic imbalances, which can alleviate physical diseases as well as anxiety, fear, stress, sorrow and depression.

Gunas, Elements, Doshas, Karma

Learn how the three Gunas the Five Elements, the three Doshas, and the influence of karma through the impact of the nine planetary forces combine to influence our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.