A Fresh Start in April 2022: Four Planets Changing Signs

A Fresh Start in April 2022: Four Planets Changing Signs

Jupiter’s sidereal transit into Pisces on April 13, 2022, is the best cosmic thing that has happened to us in a long while. Jupiter is the planet that represents mentors, guides, spirituality, and unity consciousness. When he arrives in Pisces, his abode and favorite 12th sign of the Zodiac it represents an end a cycle of the Hero’s Journey and the end of the battles our ego has been waging in the last eleven signs.

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Is Joe Biden Running Out of Luck? USA Sade Sati & Biden Starts Saturn Dasha

Is Joe Biden Running Out of Luck?  USA Sade Sati & Biden Starts Saturn Dasha

On Sept 22, Joe Biden will start his Saturn Dasha. After a 17 year Jupiter Dasha that is supportive of all our endeavors and in which providence seems to be a prominent theme, Saturn Dasha feels dreary, bleak. and unwelcomed. The beginning of the Dasha is particularly thorny as we experience a rude awakening after 17 years of Jupiter’s slumber.

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Eclipses: Disappearance of the Natural Order

Eclipses: Disappearance of the Natural Order

Eclipses play an important role in Vedic astrology, both in our natal chart (i.e., if we were born during an eclipse) and world events. In Vedic astrology, eclipses not only block out the light of the luminar­ies (Sun and Moon), but also bring the influence of the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu. These nodes twist and obstruct the creative energies and clarity of our Sun—the atman— and our Moon, the mind that creates a unique subjective experience for each earthbound soul.

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Gurus fall from Grace and Mercury Retrograde

Gurus fall from Grace and Mercury Retrograde

Have you ever wondered why so many gurus and spiritual teachers fall from grace?

And why do we blame Mercury retrograde for all the havoc and confusion in our life?

To see the connection between these two seemingly unrelated topics let’s turn to an excerpt from my book, Before Your Future. In this Vedic myth, a notorious love affair and scandal in the celestial circles between Jupiter (Guru/Ideals) and his student Moon (emotional impulses) gives birth to Mercury who doesn’t want to be like either of his parents.

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Predict Your Future And Your Unique Pathway to Becoming

Predict Your Future And Your Unique Pathway to Becoming

In my book Before your Future, I lay out a step-by-step process to help you predict the potential outcome of each Dasha and how to optimize each state. Certainly, there are some Dashas that can be brutal and often out of our control. However, in the vast majority of cases, there are no “bad” Dashas or states. Most of our suffering is created by our resistance to, or superficial embrace of, a Planet, Zodiac Sign, or House.

By intersecting the Vimshottari Dasha with Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s journey and introducing examples from Vedic mythology as well as familiar stories like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, my goal in writing this book was to help you find your own answers and pathways to becoming.

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The Search for Enlightenment & Dog Lovers

The Search for Enlightenment & Dog Lovers

This is one of my favorite stories from the very end of the Mahabharata. In my book, Before Your Future, I use this story to illustrate how challenging the end of the Hero’s Journey can be, as seen in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, and the final twelfth house.

I also use this story to illustrate the importance of harmonizing all the five elements and as a result all the planets, signs, and houses (see guided meditation).

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Can Mindfulness and Meditation Increase Selfishness and Reduce Generosity?

Can Mindfulness and Meditation Increase Selfishness and Reduce Generosity?

I too had to do a double-take when I first came across this recent study: Mindfulness and Meditation can increase selfishness and reduce generosity. Given the proven benefits of these practices, such as reduced stress and a decrease in symptoms of depression, what could possibly be the downside?

The researchers at the University of Buffalo wondered how culture and context would influence the results of these practices. Primarily, the Asian culture of interdependence where they originated, and the Western culture which is guided by independence

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Ketu Keeper of the Past

Ketu Keeper of the Past

The head (Rahu) is the doorway to this world. When our heads fall off in Ketu dasha planetary periods, the lines blur between the physical and metaphysical world, as do the blocks (Rahu) that keep past-life memories and experiences (Ketu) from spilling over and merging into the current life. Ketu planetary periods are most inexplicable and indescribable because we no longer know where the present life begins and the past life ends. As the boundaries between the physical and spiritual world disappear, there is much confusion and anxiety, but also a potential for total freedom.

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Sun: Hero, Seat of Courage 

Sun: Hero, Seat of Courage 

In Sanskrit, the Sun is called shura, or “hero.” We all need a good Sun in the horoscope to handle the challenges life brings. In the horoscope, the Sun shows the type of energy that sustains us and allows us to stay focused and keep moving forward despite the odds. Dopamine is our main motivation neurotransmitter that wires us for heroism. The body is designed to fire dopamine neurons when we complete a task or achieve a goal, which gives us a surge of pleasure. As the Sun is the main indicator of enthusiasm, motivation, and goal-driven action, it can be likened to the dopamine in our physiology.

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The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smoothly 

The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smoothly 

While the fundamental nature of the people we fell in love with will remain constant, their desires, goals, health, interests, and passions change dramatically over time as we and our partners cycle through the different planetary dashas.

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