A Fresh Start in April 2022: Four Planets Changing Signs

It’s hard to believe we are only ten days into 2022!! Weary of the pandemic we all made New Year resolutions hoping for a fresh start – sadly, it feels like we are buried even deeper into the same old Covid narrative that started two years ago.

The cycles of Vedic Astrology are based on planetary movements and astrologers are looking to April 2022 as the potential time for a fresh start and significant change in direction for all of us. In April, there is a rare astrological phenomenon when four of the slowest moving planets, Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, and Ketu will all be changing signs around the same time. These planets linger in each sign for long periods (Jupiter 1 year, Rahu and Ketu 18 months, and Saturn 2.5 years) so when they change signs they carry the potential to produce something new in our lives (both good and bad).

In April 2022, Saturn will transit from sidereal Capricorn to Aquarius, Jupiter from Aquarius to Pisces, and Rahu and Ketu axis from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/ Libra (Rahu and Ketu move anti-clockwise).

Jupiter Transit into Pisces

Jupiter’s sidereal transit into Pisces on April 13, 2022, is the best cosmic thing that has happened to us in a long while. Jupiter is the planet that represents mentors, guides, spirituality, and unity consciousness. When he arrives in Pisces, his abode and favorite 12th sign of the Zodiac, it represents the end of a cycle of the Hero’s Journey and the end of the battles our ego has been waging in the last eleven signs.

Edgar Cayce, summed up the potential of Jupiter in Pisces when he said, “Remember that All is One and what you do to your neighbor, your friend or your foe, is a reflection of what you think of your creator”.

In the Hero’s Journey, Joseph Campbell called the final zodiac sign of Pisces “Freedom to Live,” where the hero has an opportunity to discern that all the villains and dragons we were fighting in the last eleven signs were living within us. The friends and foes, successes and failures—all were our own creation. The fight was not “out there,” but with our own ego and ignorance of our infinite spirit. 

The astrological glyph of Pisces is two fishes swimming in oppo­site directions but joined in the middle by a horizontal line, signi­fying unity, or an end to polarization. Jupiter loves Pisces as much as fishes love the open ocean. In a way, you could say that Jupiter when not in Pisces, or in other water signs like Scorpio and Cancer (where he is exalted), feels like a fish out of water. Jupiter is comfortable in water signs because here he is free to be open-minded, compassionate, and tolerant and awaken our Ajna chakra, or the third eye, to dispel our darkness.

In Pisces, Jupiter is also free to dream of a utopia and restore our collective hopes and dreams for a better less divided, and derisive world.

Saturn Transit into Aquarius

Saturn transits into Aquarius on April 28, departing Capricorn temporarily, where he's been since January 2020. As the most socially conscious of all the signs, Aquarius is inspired by fellowship and camaraderie. Aquarius is similar to Pisces in that it holds the power to bring us together collectively, not through Jupiter’s utopian ideals, but rather through practical social structures and progressive ideas and policies.

The glyph of Aquarius is two wavy horizontal lines, like ripples or waves in water symbolizing that Aquarius stands in two worlds simultaneously – serving the self while also serving the collective. Furthermore, the moving waters of the glyph are preparing us for the dissolution into the great ocean of Pisces.

With the two planets of destiny, Saturn and Jupiter, in their own respective signs where they are most comfortable, the idealistic and romantic potential of Jupiter in Pisces will be grounded by the realism and experience of Saturn in Aquarius. Astrologers hope this transition will bring our ideals (Jupiter) in alignment with pragmatism (Saturn) and give us a fresh start to bring the pandemic under control.

Rahu and Ketu Transit into Aries/Libra

Rahu and Ketu will continue to polarize us (that’s their job) until the end of time. As Rahu slides into Aries (me and I ) and Ketu in libra (others and us) this transit will ask us to set aside our egos and listen to our partners and those who oppose us.

Traumas surface to be healed

Collective trauma can surface as war, a pandemic, or political unrest. Individual traumas surface through health, relationship, and financial crises. Underneath the calamities we experience lie our unprocessed collective pain, secrets, and untold stories, looking for an outlet and release.

Jupiter in Pisces gives us the compassion, empathy, and forgiveness to heal some of the root causes of our suffering. Saturn in Aquarius promotes efforts to heal collectively. The 18 months of Rahu in Aries and Ketu in Libra is also an opportunity to heal our one-on-one relationships whether with our partners, neighbors, friends, or family.

Let us collectively bring forth a fresh start this spring with Saturn’s humanitarian ideals in Aquarius and Jupiter’s utopian ideals in Pisces.