Conspiracy Theories, Riots and the Future of USA

“Don’t be discouraged by your inability to dispel the darkness in the world, light a candle, and step forward”. ~ Amma

How do conspiracy theories fit into the astrological matrix and how does that relate to the present and potential future of the USA?

Conspiracy theories are not a new phenomenon by any means––our minds are wired to find comfort in hidden meaning and motive to events and people when life becomes very uncertain and unpredictable. I have been writing about America’s 18 years long Rahu dasha that started in 2017. Rahu’s fears of not getting what he wants are intoxicating, his desire to break from tradition is voracious putting us on a collision course with instability and unpredictability. In this state parsing fact from fiction, truth from untruth becomes very difficult. Adding social media to this mix becomes a volatile combination.

A couple of weeks ago I told you about America’s Rahu dasha, Saturn bhukti that started in Nov 2020, and will last through September 2023. Like Rahu, Saturn is also a fear-based force––Saturn’s fears though are more centered on survival and security, therefore he directs his energy towards stabilizing social structures, preserving traditions, and protecting the status quo. When the narratives of these two-opposite fear-based planetary influences collide, either in the horoscope or during their dasha bhukti, their influence creates an inordinate amount of dread, anxiety, and stress on the individual as well as the collective.

The planets, houses, and zodiac signs of astrology are not manufactured or invented—they are the language of nature, which manifest in our collective minds. Astrologers look to Scorpio and the Eighth house where the seeds of hidden meanings, as well as conspiracy theories, reside. Both the sign and the house represent nature’s impulse to reveal the hidden, mysterious and enigmatic quality of the cosmos.

Auspicious planets in Scorpio and the Eighth House (and their rulers) give a deep and penetrating intelligence and intuitiveness that can infer meaning and find patterns not evident to the naked eye. They give extrasensory perception, creativity as well as an innovative psyche that has the potential to break through outdated ideas and barriers.

However, the cognitive tendencies of people dominated by afflicted planets in this sector of the zodiac tend to get stuck on betrayal, suspiciousness, and lack of trust. They also have a propensity to see hidden danger everywhere and regard the world as an inherently toxic and hazardous place that needs to be defeated.

The USA horoscope shows a Sagittarius ascendant with Rahu in the Eighth House in Cancer. As soon as Rahu dasha started in 2017 the nation voted in a Rahu type Donald Trump, who is extreme, unstable, unconventional, and hell-bent on changing society as we know it. Donald Trump’s horoscope shows a gandata and debilitated Moon in Scorpio eclipsed by Ketu. This placement of the moon, especially when it is the ruler of the first house, is by far the most unpredictable, hazardous, and volatile placement for the Moon in any horoscope. In laymen’s terms, this type of Moon carries severe PTSD and hidden traumas from childhood abuse and neglect that are buried under an impenetrable denial barrier––you can infer that this could create a paranoid conspiracy theorist personality at the core.

Astrology like all occult knowledge is predominantly a Scorpio and Eighth House activity as it searches to understand the concealed influence of the planets on our lives. Most of you reading this article will have a strong Eighth House or Scorpio influence in your horoscope. You may also seek deeper meaning and understanding of life through means other than astrology: ie. Yoga, spiritual studies, philosophy, photography, art, tarot, energy healing, or any deep and penetrating research.

It goes without saying that now more than any other time in recent history the next few months require that we collectively call in the higher powers of other planets like Jupiter into our eighth house and Scorpio that allow us to explore the hidden, mysterious and enigmatic quality of the cosmos without the fear matrix of Rahu and Saturn. We need to purify our own hidden agendas and denial barriers, so we don’t allow ourselves to be sucked in by those who are pushing doom, terror, apocalypse, and conspiracy theories as the projection of their own afflicted Eighth House and Scorpio.

Light your candle.