Is Joe Biden Running Out of Luck? USA Sade Sati & Biden Starts Saturn Dasha

Is Joe Biden Running Out of Luck?
USA Sade Sati & Biden Starts Saturn Dasha

November, 20 1942
8:30 am (Verified Birth-time -- AA rating on Astrodatabank)
Scranton, PA

I recently saw some headlines questioning if Biden’s famous luck was finally running out. Anytime something I see in the Vedic horoscope of a famous person that makes the news it always catches my attention. Born in a humble working-class family and rising to become the President of the United States, Biden has always been famous for his luck, especially in politics. There is even a new book; Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency, in which the authors claim “a remarkable string of chance events that saved him”.

Those who know Biden’s life story would hardly call him lucky, as Biden suffered some of the worst tragedies in his family life in his Moon Dasha, as well as a brain aneurism at the start of his Rahu Dasha at the young age of 45.  

Most horoscopes have favorable and unfavorable Dashas, Biden’s horoscope has both in extremes.

Biden’s Luck

Biden’s horoscope has an exalted Jupiter, the planet of luck, faith, and abundance placed in the Ninth House. The Ninth House is called “The Magic Flight” in Campbell’s Hero’s Journey as mentors and guides assist the Hero to outrun the darkness and fulfill his destiny and life purpose. Biden’s Jupiter is placed two degrees of Cancer, which is Jupiter’s deepest exaltation point in the Zodiac. As a Scorpio ascendant, Jupiter is the ruler of his Fifth House of Purva Punya, or past life credit and luck that comes from deeds performed in previous lives. Jupiter is also throwing a full aspect or influence onto his Ascendant and the planets in it.

Furthermore, Jupiter is Vargottama, or also exalted in the sign of Cancer in his D-9 Navamsha chart, which further strengthens Jupiter’s influence, especially in his career, life purpose, and leadership.

All in all, this is about as good a Jupiter as you can get in any horoscope. Called “healer in chief” by CNN, Biden has always been known for all the Jupitarein qualities that its placement in Cancer bring: empathy, emotional intelligence, luck, motherly affection, faith, and a belief in a life guided by a higher purpose. (Many of the conspiracy theories about his touchy-feely side also come from this exalted Jupiter’s maternally expressive ways).
It was not until his Jupiter Dasha started in 2006 that we saw this exalted Jupiter’s influence in full force making him both the VP and President of the United States.

Unfavorable Indications

Biden has a Scorpio ascendant, the sign where we encounter life’s battles that throw us into the most unexpected, unforeseen, and sometimes shocking (both good and bad) circumstances. With the Ruler of the Twelfth House (Venus) in the First House in Parivartana or exchange with the First Hosue ruler (Mars) in the Twelfth House, this strengthens Scorpionic energy to make life more uncertain, crises-driven, and demanding. But Scorpio planets also have within them more resilience, and survival skills, and the ability to rise from the ashes than any other sign.

Ketu in the Fourth House of home and family can also bring challenges to his family life. (This puts Rahu in the opposite Tenth House in Leo. With the Sun, the Tenth House ruler in the First House, this becomes a powerful placement for a Career in government.).

Almost all Vedic astrologers are foreseeing 2023 as a very difficult year for Biden and have raised concern that he may not be able to finish out his term.  

As a counseling astrologer, I don’t usually like to make such broad predictions, however, I did want to alert you to the astrological trends in the US horoscope, as well as those in Joe Biden’s horoscope, which will be influencing all our collective karma in the next couple of years.

Biden’s Saturn Dasha

On Sept 22, 2021, Joe Biden will start his Saturn Dasha. The transition from Jupiter Dasha in which providence, luck, and chance are prominent themes into Saturn’s dreary and bleak reality check is always difficult. Especially at the beginning of Saturn Dasha, as we experience a rude awakening after 17 years of Jupiter’s slumber. In my book Before Your Future, I have a chapter on this transition in my own horoscope, where I felt my guru, Amma, and the universe were no longer by my side.

Saturn is a planet of self-effort, duty, diligence, and facing the dark side of reality head-on —Jupiter’s faith, chance, serendipity, and Kismet are lost on him. Biden needs to start embracing Saturn’s teachings if he does not want more Joe Manchin-type events derailing his agenda.

Biden’s Saturn in the Seventh House is not good for his health and physical well-being when this Dasha is experienced so late in life. Fortunately, his Saturn is well placed in the earth sign of Taurus, which stabilizes Saturn’s abilities to carry the burdens of life without becoming a victim.

Still, Saturn is Saturn.

USA Sade Sati

As of 2019, USA Vedic horoscope is in its Sade Sati, the seven-and-a-half-year-long transit of Saturn on its natal Moon, which is a difficult and pressure-filled period in any horoscope. In the spring of 2022, the US will enter the most acute stage of Sade Sati (ie. Saturn will transit into Aquarius the sign of the US natal Moon).

As Saturn hovers around five degrees away from US natal Moon for the next year and a half, along with a President transitioning into his Saturn Dasha, this period can accentuate Saturn’s pressures on the country and the President.

Furthermore, the US horoscope also shows a Rahu Saturn Dasha from Nov 2020 to Sept 2023, which adds fuel to the fire for the next couple of years. Anytime Saturn, Moon, and Rahu Dashas are involved in Sade Sati it further accelerates the demands of Saturn.

As a nation, both sides of the political spectrum need to embrace Saturn’s sobriety, practicality, compromise, and level-headedness, and release some of Jupiter’s cosmic dreams and idealization of making a perfect world based on their beliefs.

Invisible Cycles of the Planets

We are all aware of the visible cycles of nature. Dawn and dusk, for example, give way to the dark night and the promise of a new spring that cycles into the death of winter. Vedic astrology uses ancient mathematical calculations to illuminate the mysterious and hidden planetary cycles called Dashas, which reveal the timing of how our life story will unfold.

I have never believed in readings where the Astrologer has all the knowledge of your destiny, and you are completely beholden to the astrologers’ interpretations. I like to think of Vedic Astrology readings more like a Yoga practice, where you are slowly building physical and mental resilience and deepening your knowledge about your own karma.

If you want to deepen your knowledge of your horoscope without having to spend decades studying Vedic Astrology, my new book and courses offer a unique step-by-step approach to help you decode the broad outline of your own Dashas and life story.

Don’t forget there is a free chart calculator on my website if you want to make Biden’s horoscope or that of your family and friends.