Karma Remedy : Thinking Fast and Slow, System 1 and System 2

Excerpt from IVAC workbook

Narrative fallacies arise inevitably from our continuous attempt to make sense of the world. We, humans, are constantly fooling ourselves by constructing flimsy accounts of the past and believing they are true.” ~ Daniel Kahneman

Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking Fast and Slow , System 1 and 2, is a summary of his research on cognitive bias. The central theme of the book is that there are two modes of thinking, System 1, instinctive and emotional, and System 2 more deliberate and methodical. His contention is that most people put too much confidence in System 1, because they are under the illusion that the world is predictable, straight-forward and easy to understand. 

One of the things I have attempted to demonstrate in my online Integrative Vedic Astrology Counseling Course is that Astrology should not be approached as just some mysterious and metaphysical subject that we can choose to believe in or not. As you work with me as a client or a student and learn the astrological principles, it should become clear that Vedic Astrology is the language of life, nature and learning to recognize our cognitive bias . 

Predictions work because they are built upon the theories of Sanathana Dharma or Natural Law . And astrological remedies work when we are willing to strive for self-knowledge through insight into our own unique nature, constitution, psychological makeup and Karma..

Here, we can use Kahneman’s Nobel prize winning research at the crossroads of economics and psychology to understand ourselves, Natural Law and how the planets are distributing in our consciousness and actions. 

I used Kahneman’s theory and applied it to understand the planets by splitting the planets into two systems. (The Zodiac signs ruled by these planets, ie Cancer is ruled by the Moon, will also correspond to the Systems).

  • Moon, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu – System 1 (Thinking Fast)

  • Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Sun – System 2 (Thinking Slow)

Kahneman suggests that both Systems 1 and 2 are natural biological phenomenon and common to all human beings. Each has their limitations and strengths and needed for our survival and well-being. Knowing when to use which makes all the difference.

The same is true of all the Planets; each represents a different aspect of the divine, guiding our evolution. A well-disposed horoscope is one that understands the limitations and strengths of each planet and is capable of using the planetary forces at the right time, right place and right circumstances.

We generally have more “free will” with System 2 planets (Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Sun)  and less with System 1 planets ((Moon, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu), which is why in most horoscopes the planetary periods of System 2 planets are more fulfilling and productive. During Sade Sati, for most people, System 2 simply goes out of the window, as we fall back on the Moon’s instinctive reactions of the inner child. 

Let’s get to know how Kahneman describes each of the systems. 

System 1 : Thinking Fast (Moon, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) :

  • Runs Automatically; we spend most of our time in System 1, as that is efficient and convenient for our brain and physiology. The slow deliberate caution of System 2 is no match for System 1, which stands ready to take over in most circumstances.

  • Most of the time we are working with System 1, but we think we are engaged in System 2. We all see ourselves as analytical and methodical and believe that most of our actions, impressions and desires are well thought out, rational and of course righteous (they are probably not).

  • System 1 allows us to intensely focus on a task by shutting out all deliberation and even normal stimuli in the environment. It also allows us to form habits (both good and bad) which are important for our survival (and demise).

  • System 1’s job is to rely on associations, memories, pattern matching and assumptions to create a coherent, plausible, quick and convenient story to explain what is happening. It effortlessly and confidently identifies connection between things, events and people based on past experiences, even when they may be totally false or fake.

  • In other words, System 1 will automatically default to its original narrative, even knowing that the story is incorrect or biased. From the Vedic Astrology perspective we live in the “myth” created by System 1 and not the “Truth” of System 2’s methodical unbiased understanding of reality. 

  • Only when System 1 truly runs out of options, it reluctantly calls on System 2 (each person has a different threshold of this). Using the template of Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, as the Hero cycles through unexpected events, unknown territories and danger he calls more and more upon System 2 to drop his “Myth” (System 1) and Embody the “Truth” (System 2).

  • System 1 loves assigning cause to random chance, hindsight bias, and loves short term rewards over long term success.

  • Ultimately, the success of System 1 will depend on the coherence of the story it manages to create and most importantly if it knows when and how to call on System 2 for help when needed.

As a Vedic Astrologer, I am interested in Kahneman’s theory because I think System 1 makes it possible to make predictions. As I always joke with my clients, “I can counsel you on what I think you should do, but I also know what you probably will do”.

System 2: Thinking Slow (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Sun)

  • System 2 comes online when we are faced with a totally new environment and circumstances, where we cannot recall a past pattern to confront the situation (ie. what you already think you know). Only then it will exert mental effort and concentration to ponder the totality of the situation. But even here where an in depth understanding is needed, as long as we are perceiving a pressure or urge, real or imagined, for a quick decision or answer, System 2 will allow System 1 to lead the way.

  • Mobilizing System 2 takes effort and practice, like putting yourself in unknown situations, or studying a new subject. Most importantly acknowledging that maybe you just don’t know as much as you think you do about most situations and subjects.

  • It is not practical to use System 2 all the time, as that will create over thinking and you will lose your instinctive side and be paralyzed when quick or intuitive action is necessary.

From the Astrological perspective if a System 2 planet like Jupiter or Venus influences a System 1 planet like Mars or Rahu/ketu in the horoscope that planet has the opportunity to give more productive results because it slows down some of its System 1 activity. This works in reverse too as System 1 planets afflict System 2 planets by contracting our ability to thoughtfully ponder and weigh a situation without cognitive bias.

Astrology works because our unique System 1 is deeply imbedded in our consciousness, which the Vedic seers called our Samskara. Errors in instinctive reactions and biases that these produce cannot be avoided or wished away without sincere and concerted effort , self-knowledge and spiritual practices that rewire our neural networks. Simply buying a gem or carelessly chanting a planetary mantra prescribed by a Vedic Astrologer, is not going to remedy our Karma.

In conclusion, when the stakes are high, especially if you keep finding yourself in the same situation over and over again, pause System 1 and call on System 2 and watch how your life changes.

Try this Exercise: Over the course of a week or so write down each time you consciously used System 2 to address a situation. Assess the balanced use of System 1 and 2, in the context of the planetary period Dasha/bhukti you are running.