Predict Your Future And Your Unique Pathway to Becoming

Predict Your Future And Your Unique Pathway to Becoming

In my book Before your Future, I lay out a step-by-step process to help you predict the potential outcome of each Dasha and how to optimize each state. Certainly, there are some Dashas that can be brutal and often out of our control. However, in the vast majority of cases, there are no “bad” Dashas or states. Most of our suffering is created by our resistance to, or superficial embrace of, a Planet, Zodiac Sign, or House.

By intersecting the Vimshottari Dasha with Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s journey and introducing examples from Vedic mythology as well as familiar stories like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, my goal in writing this book was to help you find your own answers and pathways to becoming.

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Embracing Saturn

Embracing Saturn

In my practice the vast majority of my new clients are dealing with a difficult Saturn Dasha or transit. In fact, I can follow Saturn’s movement around the zodiac in my client’s chart – for example since the fall of 2009 when Saturn entered Virgo, most of my new clients are either in the Saturn Dasha or have their moon or rising sign in Virgo or Libra, as Saturn is putting stress on those two signs right now.

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Jupiter and Saturn Planetary Periods

Jupiter and Saturn Planetary Periods

Each planet is a teaching, a door to self-knowledge – it has its own being and consciousness. Once we have understood the meaning of all the planets we can comprehend the entire field of possibilities of human life. Jupiter and Saturn are the two largest and the slowest moving planets and are polar opposites in their nature. Both the energies represented by them must be assimilated within us. 

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