Whats my Life Purpose ?

Whats my Life Purpose ?

One of the reasons people approach astrologers is to ask, “What’s my life purpose?” From the Vedic perspective, it is best to begin this inquiry with two questions: “How can I live a purpose-filled life? How can I be present for my life’s journey?” As a result, the passion, purpose, drive, and action that we all seek are more likely to follow.

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The Glorious Balance of the Spring Equinox 

The Glorious Balance of the Spring Equinox 

Vedic astrology is also based on nature’s cycles. Each moment of time contains a unique energy and destiny based on what the Sun, Moon, and the planets are expressing in nature. For example, in any given year there will be twelve full moons and twelve new moons, each producing their own unique destiny. Whether we are born on a new moon or a full moon matters, because our consciousness is stamped by that condition of nature at the time of our birth.

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Embracing Saturn

Embracing Saturn

In my practice the vast majority of my new clients are dealing with a difficult Saturn Dasha or transit. In fact, I can follow Saturn’s movement around the zodiac in my client’s chart – for example since the fall of 2009 when Saturn entered Virgo, most of my new clients are either in the Saturn Dasha or have their moon or rising sign in Virgo or Libra, as Saturn is putting stress on those two signs right now.

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Vedic Astrology - The Missing Link

 Vedic Astrology - The Missing Link

Over the last two decades, the ancient eastern Yogic view of the cosmos has had a renaissance in the hearts and minds of the modern world. Yoga and Ayurveda have had a phenomenal resurgence, as more and more people turn to them for their physical and spiritual wellbeing.

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