The Glorious Balance of the Spring Equinox 

The Glorious Balance of the Spring Equinox 

Vedic astrology is also based on nature’s cycles. Each moment of time contains a unique energy and destiny based on what the Sun, Moon, and the planets are expressing in nature. For example, in any given year there will be twelve full moons and twelve new moons, each producing their own unique destiny. Whether we are born on a new moon or a full moon matters, because our consciousness is stamped by that condition of nature at the time of our birth.

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Your Knowledge Is Your Trouble

Your Knowledge Is Your Trouble

One of my favorite Zen stories is the one about a Buddhist scholar who goes to study with a Zen master. He expresses his sincerity about wanting to learn from the master but then proceeds to ramble on about how many spiritual books he has studied and meditation techniques he has mastered. The master listens patiently and then offers the scholar some tea. He continues to pour tea into the scholar’s cup until it is overflowing. “Stop, stop! The cup is full, what are you doing”, the scholar yells? The master replies, “you are like this cup, you are so full of spiritual ideas about the Buddha’s way, there is nothing I can teach you”.

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