Whats my Life Purpose ?

Whats my Life Purpose ?

One of the reasons people approach astrologers is to ask, “What’s my life purpose?” From the Vedic perspective, it is best to begin this inquiry with two questions: “How can I live a purpose-filled life? How can I be present for my life’s journey?” As a result, the passion, purpose, drive, and action that we all seek are more likely to follow.

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Overcoming difficult Karma - Astrological Remedies

Overcoming difficult Karma - Astrological Remedies

Unfortunately, oversimplified remedies keep Vedic Astrology a fringe healing modality, rather than the “Eyes of the Vedas”, as it was named by the Vedic seers and sages. All Yogic sciences, including Yoga, Mantra, Chakras, Ayurveda, Vedanta and Vedic Astrology, have the same foundational principles in dealing with hardships and overcoming fate.

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An Integrated Person has no Warring Parts

An Integrated Person has no Warring Parts

“An integrated man is one in whom there are no warring parts, he is one integrated fluid flow”.

What would it look like to be so fluid and integrated?

Imagine Amma, the famous “hugging saint” embracing and offering solace and spiritual wisdom to people around the world, 20 plus hours every day for the last 30 years.   Simultaneously imagine her as Chancellor of a University in India at the forefront of the latest scientific research and technical advancements in medicine, robotics and Artificial Intelligence, solving problems that plague the world, which send people in search of her embrace.

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