Overcoming difficult Karma - Astrological Remedies

Overcoming difficult Karma - Astrological Remedies

Unfortunately, oversimplified remedies keep Vedic Astrology a fringe healing modality, rather than the “Eyes of the Vedas”, as it was named by the Vedic seers and sages. All Yogic sciences, including Yoga, Mantra, Chakras, Ayurveda, Vedanta and Vedic Astrology, have the same foundational principles in dealing with hardships and overcoming fate.

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Living Life on Nature's Terms

Living Life on Nature's Terms

Yogic healing sciences are not just the esoteric spiritual practices of asana, mantra and meditation popular in the west. They span every aspect of life, from the day to day management of our body through practical living guidance, food and natural cures of Ayurveda to the metaphysical mathematical algorithms of Vedic Astrology that reveal our destiny. There are yogic healing prescriptions for every aspect of life including relationships, governance, parenting, business, architecture, temple building, and even warfare.


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The Fire that Cooks Emotions

The Fire that Cooks Emotions

In the 1990's two psychologist coined the term emotional intelligence or EQ. They defined it as the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. Their groundbreaking work showed that EQ was a better indicator of long term success than IQ. 

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Getting Unstuck - Yama/Niyama and the Planets

Getting Unstuck - Yama/Niyama and the Planets

It’s that time of the year when we all make New Year resolutions and promise ourselves that there are some things we are going to do differently next year. However, year after year there are a few areas of our life that resist change and certain negative patterns keep repeating despite our best intentions. In Vedic Astrology we call these our karmic tendencies (samsaras), which are so strongly entrenched within us that as a result of our conscious or unconscious actions certain events are almost fated to occur.

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