An Integrated Person has no Warring Parts

An Integrated Person has no Warring Parts

“An integrated man is one in whom there are no warring parts, he is one integrated fluid flow”.

What would it look like to be so fluid and integrated?

Imagine Amma, the famous “hugging saint” embracing and offering solace and spiritual wisdom to people around the world, 20 plus hours every day for the last 30 years.   Simultaneously imagine her as Chancellor of a University in India at the forefront of the latest scientific research and technical advancements in medicine, robotics and Artificial Intelligence, solving problems that plague the world, which send people in search of her embrace.

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Japan Earthquake - Kali the Goddess of Yogic Transformation

Japan Earthquake - Kali the Goddess of Yogic Transformation

The death and destruction in Japan is incomprehensible and our hearts go out to all those whose lives, hopes, dreams have been crushed by the powerful earthquake. I have received many queries asking what the future holds. Personally, I do not predict world events, I think that it is challenging enough to try and get a glimpse into the future of one human being – the destiny of the earth is much bigger than all of us and much bigger than the predictions of a mere mortal astrologer.

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