Sade Sati, I have a New Address, I am no longer in my Comfort Zone

Sade Sati, I have a New Address, I am no longer in my Comfort Zone

In Vedic Astrology Counseling, rather than focusing on the outcome, we work on using this cycle to release outdated emotional crutches and intergenerational trauma to create a fresh new identity. This video offers an alternate view of sade sati, which is empowering rather than the unnecessary superstition, dread and fear that is traditionally associated with sade sati.

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An Integrated Person has no Warring Parts

An Integrated Person has no Warring Parts

“An integrated man is one in whom there are no warring parts, he is one integrated fluid flow”.

What would it look like to be so fluid and integrated?

Imagine Amma, the famous “hugging saint” embracing and offering solace and spiritual wisdom to people around the world, 20 plus hours every day for the last 30 years.   Simultaneously imagine her as Chancellor of a University in India at the forefront of the latest scientific research and technical advancements in medicine, robotics and Artificial Intelligence, solving problems that plague the world, which send people in search of her embrace.

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Venus, Goddess of Love, Money & Desire

Venus, Goddess of Love, Money & Desire

Venus is Goddess of the Law of Attraction and Manifestation in the horoscope. Creating wealth and committed relationships, while staying true to our own personal calling and heart's desires, is the hardest aspect of our hero’s journey. Sadly, most people will be disappointed with both because of unrealistic expectations from Venus. So, developing a good relationship with our Venus is essential for happiness. In this video I have used Princess Belle from Beauty and the Beast as our super hero with an ideally placed Venus in the horoscope.

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Kavanaugh Nomination - Mars-Ketu Unleashed

Kavanaugh Nomination - Mars-Ketu Unleashed

Matt Damon’s SNL sketch parody of Brett Kavanaugh seen around the world is a perfect comedic interpretation of the dangerous Mars - Ketu combination in  Kavanaugh’s Prashana horoscope.

Prashana in Sanskrit literally means a question or an inquiry. When Vedic Astrologers don’t have a good birth time to work with they will rely on what is referred to as a Prashana horoscope. This type of stand in horoscope is created based on the time and moment of an action related to the subject of the inquiry. 

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